The two Internet sites and are published by the company IDcreaLab SASU, with capital of 10,000 €, headquartered at the following address: BP 70223 78102 St Germain en Laye cedex, France
Registered at the RCS de Versailles number 794 254 268 - SIRET 794 254 268n00012-
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Tel: +33(0)
Fax: +33(0)9.72 41.40.16
Editorial Director: Sophie Victor and Bee Spirit
Artistic Director: Sophie Victor
Photo Credits: Sophie Victor
Press Agency: Boracay (
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Tel: +33(0)
Fax: +33(0)
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The intellectual property rights of and and the elements that make up this Internet site are either protected by property rights or the company IDcreaLab has been granted exclusive rights of use. Any reproduction whether total or partial of the website, without the express permission of the company IDcreaLab, is strictly forbidden, unless it is strictly for personal and private use and excludes any commercial purpose whatsoever.
The present conditions are governed by the courts in the jurisdiction of the headquarters of the business. In case of litigation only French courts are considered to be the courts of competent jurisdiction.